Driving an 18-wheeler is one of the most dangerous jobs in America. Truck driver
fatigue is a serious problem with huge consequences for drivers, their passengers, and
other motorists. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), every year there are more than 100,000 crashes involving commercial vehicles and 18-wheelers due to driver fatigue.
In Texas, you can file a lawsuit against a fatigued 18-wheeler driver if you are injured in an accident. Ryan Pigg has represented hundreds of Texans injured as a result of 18-wheelers driving while fatigued.
Tiredness is a symptom of fatigue, which can be caused by anything from lack of sleep
to physical illness. When you're tired, you'll likely have trouble staying focused and alert
behind the wheel. Feeling tired while driving is a warning sign that it's time to pull over
and rest. If you feel tired, you're more likely to make mistakes when driving—even small ones like not paying attention or missing traffic signs. A tired driver is also more likely to cause an
accident than other drivers who are not fatigued.
Reaction time is the amount of time it takes to react to a stimulus. It can be affected by
many factors, including fatigue and stress. When you are fatigued, your body has less
energy available to use for physical activities like driving a vehicle. Therefore, the
muscles that control eye movement and hand movements are not as quick or precise as
they normally would be when you are tired. This means that you may take longer than
usual to respond to stimuli such as traffic lights or other vehicles on the road.
This can lead to accidents because if someone stops suddenly in front of your vehicle, then there will be less time for both drivers' responses.
Falling asleep behind the wheel is one of the most dangerous risks associated with
fatigued driving. If you fall asleep while driving—even for a few seconds—you can lose
control of your vehicle, which could result in a serious accident.
If you're tired, stop driving. Don't push through it—you could fall asleep at the wheel and cause a serious accident. Take a break every 2 hours. Your body needs time to rest between shifts so that you can stay sharp when it's time to drive again! Remember that "rest" doesn't just mean sleep; it can also be listening to music or taking a walk.